I think I finally saw it… or, bucket list items. We tried a drift dive close to the anchorage but the current was screaming (too fast to even take in what could be seen). So, I asked Patrick to tow me with the dinghy. When we were maneuvering, I caught a glimpse of a very large ray. I asked him to move closer and with one hand above the water (kind of like “Thing” on Adams Family) I tracked the trajectory for the dinghy. We never got close enough for me to be 100% sure but it was definitely bigger than an eagle ray, didn’t see any spots and far too big for a typical ray. It was bigger than the dinghy and seemed to be about 12-14 ft in diameter. Thinking seriously adolescent manta… yea!
We have had such special dinners and sunsets. We (Van and Lauren, Judy and Andy, Patrick and me) headed over to “Living Well” the night before last. What a nice evening. We talked, had cocktails and enjoyed a great meal. And Bucket List #2... we saw the "Green Flash." I have tried for years, honestly thinking that it was a fantasy set to irritate gullible folks like me. But it exists. I love this!
I feel the making of a movie in the future...........keep writing kiddo Im reading!!