Friday, December 9, 2011

Cozy by the fire

Day 4 and 5 (Wed/Thurs, Nov 16, 17): were spent trying to get to Norfolk. Seriously icky weather. It was a good thing Patrick had the fireplace going. We surely needed it. While I complain about cleaning bits of suit from the deck of Gaia, I sure like having the warmth. Plus, it is nice to have a fire on a really cold day. We spent time in the Piankatank River. Stuck our heads out a couple of times into the Chesapeake only to turn around and head back into the safety of the anchorage. Pretty bad storm came through and then some nasty, thick fog. This gave us some non travel time to untwist our anchor chain. And let me tell you, that was a pretty sight. Me in the v-birth and Patrick above in his foul weather gear. I would hand up sections of chain. He would untwist it and place it in a pile. Then, we did the reverse with him handing the chain back down. We completed the task and Gaia is much safer with all 300 ft of chain safely untwisted and stowed.

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